Solar Consultant
With over 15 years of experience on international level in the solar industry Solar Consultant Patrick Gofre offers advice and expertise in the realization of solar power plants. Solar Consultant Patrick Gofre supplies quality products such as solar panels, inverters and mounting systems, as well as complete photovoltaic systems. Solar Consultant Patrick Gofre deals with manufacturers as Jolywood, Sonnex Energie GmbH, Fronius, SMA, K2 Systemen and Van der Valk Solar systems. Products from stock or order can directly be supplied from the manufacturer.
For small plants as well as large scale industrial projects we deliver the right products and provide technical service and assistance in the realization of your PV plant.
Discover the products we offer and make a choice for solar energy, because the sun shines for us all!
Used solar panels
Besides new solar products Solar Consultant Patrick Gofre also supplies good-quality used solar panels. Check current offers and possibilities
Since long I look at solar energy as a good and sustainable way to create energy. With the significant improvement of technology in this area the last years, together with pretty lower prices for solar installations now the time feels right to take the step and purchase solar panels!
In the Netherlands the return of investment period of solar systems is now less then 6 years without any subsidy of the government. With a performance guarantee of 25 years on the current panels, free electricity is supplied for at least 19 years.